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Bubble Tea
Bubble Tea

Bubble Tea


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Mango Street Papa 芒果街老爸

6 月


Chill Fest

  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2022-11-23



偏偏 你總是搶先吸光最後幾口珍珠

沒有你的生活 一切都不對味
主唱 Vocalist/吉他手 Guitarist|五塊 Five Dollars
貝斯手 Bassist|陳柏宏 Brian Chen
合成器 Synthesizer|曾國軒 lati33333
鼓 Drummer|劉康弘 Kenny Liu

音樂製作團隊 Music Production Credit:
詞 Lyrics|Peter Hung、五塊 Five Dollars
曲 Composer|五塊 Five Dollars
編曲 Arrangement|芒果街老爸
製作人 Producer|王聖展 Evan Wang @TDP STUDIO
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|芙賽以撒 Fusay Isak
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arrangement|五塊 Five Dollars
錄音室 Recording Studio|追夢者娛樂整合工作室 @TDP STUDIO、強力錄音室 @Mega Force Studio
錄音師 Recording Engineer|徐昕 Vivian Hsin Hsu @TDP STUDIO、彭騰緯 JPON @Mega Force Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|徐昕 Vivian Hsin Hsu @TDP STUDIO
母帶後期製作 Mastering Producer|周均 Leo Chou @TDP STUDIO
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|追夢者娛樂整合工作室 @TDP STUDIO

文案 Copywriter | 林以愛 Esther Lin @TDP STUDIO
企劃宣傳 Marketing&Promotion|林以愛 Esther Lin @TDP STUDIO
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|許彥翔 Lemon Christy Hsu @TDP STUDIO

視覺製作團隊 Art Production Credit:
視覺統籌 Visual Supervisor|TDP STUDIO
封面設計 Cover Design|林欣彤 TONG LIN
標準字設計 Logotype Design|林欣彤 TONG LIN

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Bubble tea
Having you just give me lots of glee
Such a good time
Love is just a drink away
It makes me think of all the happy days
Such a good time
When you share bubble with me
Never bad time
When you share bubble with me
Always good time

I will not drink this by myself
Bubble never meant to be alone
Need you here to make me “feeling strong”
Such a good time

I will not drink this by myself
We were never meant to be alone
I need you to make me feel like Bond
Such a good time

When you share bubble with me
Never bad time

After that cup
You left me behind
Didn’t say goodbye
That wasn’t so kind
Doesn’t taste as sweet
Why is it so different
After that cup
I’m drinking alone
No one sharing with me
I’m feeling lonely
Missing you my baby
Can you come back to share
This bubble tea, with me

I will not drink this by myself
Bubble never meant to be alone
Need you here to make me “feeling strong”
Such a good time

I will not drink this by myself
We were never meant to be alone
I need you to make me feel like Bond
Such a good time

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