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The Combobulators

音樂人 臺南市

Dancetastic funk 'n' soul and a whole lot more!

Vocal-Launa Cresswell
Vocal-Jason Bakkum
Drums-Mateo Solares
Bass-Neal Furnival
Guitar-Tim Niven
Percussion-Wang Yu Jen
Trombone-Ali Mackay
Trombone-Nidy Tseng
Trumpet-James Royse
Saxphone-Greg Rushton

  • 音樂


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The Combobulators的歌曲

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發布歌曲・3 年前
發布歌曲・3 年前


Pull Your Head Out

Pull Your Head Out

The Combobulators

Humans more and more find themselves pulled into narcissism, especially in the glow of social media. The slang phrase “Pull your head out!” means to make yourself aware of reality. We are in a time when people are self righteous but often ignorant. 生活在現代充滿社群媒體的環境裡,人們越來越自我,自以為公正善良的人常常也伴隨著無知,“Pull Your Head Out!"這句俗語的意義是提醒大家注意對真實世界的認知